Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Giants' Steps TV Cleared for Launch!

Introducing Giants' Steps TV, the You Tube channel devoted entirely to the New York Giants and the Giants' Steps blog!

I thought it would be cool and different to update the blog with video entries once in a while, and then I thought "why not use You Tube to spread the big blue word?" Thus was born the idea for the Giants' Steps channel. Below you will find GiantsStepsTV: Episode 1.

In the future, new episodes and videos will be displayed across the top of the blog in the "On the Air" section. A permanent link to Giants' Steps TV can be found in the "Linked Up" section on the right-hand side of the blog.

I'm excited about both of these new web ventures, and I think Giants' Nation will be too. You can subscribe to both sites to keep up with the latest, and please post your COMMENTS. I look forward to hearing from you. With your help, we can make these sites great places for the Big Blue faithful to follow, support, and discuss their team!

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